Today is a rainy day. It is also a Monday, which means it is my day off. I am spending this rainy Monday with a great friend, avoiding doing my laundry, watching the aforementioned rain through the big windows at Otherlands, and being contemplative about youth ministry.
Orange Mini-Cake
This is probably my favorite cake I have ever made, cuteness-wise. I have meant to post it on SWP for a few weeks. I thought it would be appropriate to do so today, because it is Labor Day and apparently that means Americans can eat a lot.
It tasted delicious, too. I got the recipie from kittie a few years ago. She is the bomb and my cake-making idol.
Shot of the Day, Part Deux????
Don’t think this is going to be a trend, but I actually have a “Shot of the day” for a second day in a row!*
I am super obsessed with dew droplets on plants right now. This was taken outside my job, on my way in for the morning. It also looks good Viewed On Black. Look at that bokeh! Look at that shallow depth of field! Look at all the photographic terms you are learning by reading my blog!
*I took this before 8 a.m. this morning. It might be jumping the gun a bit to call a “shot of the day” this early on, but it is a risk I am willing to take.
“Shot of the Day”
I wish I could be one of those photographers/bloggers who could keep up a “Shot of the day” routine on my blog (a la the Shot of the Day pool over at Flickr.) Or that I could commit to a 365 project. However, I feel I don’t have the wherewithal to do something like that right now. Aka: It would probably just result in EPIC FAILURE if committed to doing a “photo of the day” project on my blog.*
I have been taking a lot of photos the past few days with my digital camera -which is entirely unlike me. I am an “analog photography for LYFE” sort of girl. But I have been enamored with the lens I bought for my Pentax digital camera this week, because it gives me such yummy shallow depth of field. Having taken so many photos with the instant gratification of digital photography this week, it gives me the false sense that I COULD commit to making a “best photo of the day” blog post every day.
So. Let’s pretend for a minute that I DID have an ongoing “shot of the day” series on Shoot With Personality. If I did, the photo you see below you would be my offering for today.
Morning Afterhought
I feel bad for using technical terms about photography on my blog sometimes, because it might not be lingo that is well-known to those who see my blog who AREN’T photo enthusiasts. I talked about depth of field earlier in this post. I will use the above photo to explain depth of field. Depth of field (or Dof) is how much or how little is in focus in a photo. For instance, see how only a very small segment of the coffee mug’s handle is in proper focus, and the rest of the photo is sort of blurred? That is because the Dof is very shallow – very small – in this photo. The in-focus portion of the photo is quite slim. I won’t go into what I did to achieve shallow depth of field for this photo – another lesson for another day. But I thought this might be a good “teaching moment” for Shoot With Personality readers (or a good “this is what the heck I am talking about when I used that photographic term” moment.)
I quite like the idea of taking a photo each day (or many) and choosing which one I like best – it can help a photographer keep her skills sharpened. If I ever DO decide that is something I can do, you Shoot With Personality blog readers will be the FIRST to know about it.
*Perhaps if I become independently wealthy one day, I will have so much free time on my hands that I couldĀ do a project of that sort?