I couldn’t resist loading the Diana up with Tri-X again, after the results of the last roll. I also wanted to practice doing more pinhole photos, since I really want to get a certain 3D printed pinhole camera this year.

Como, Mississippi

Pre-zoo Pei Wei

Double exposure at the Memphis Zoo’s new Zambizi River Hippo Cam

Pinhole exposure, 6 seconds while taking a snack break at the zoo

FOUR HOUR pinhole exposure!

Pinhole exposure, 10 minutes

Variation of a shot I tried on Instax for my daily photo project

Double exposure in Como, Mississippi

Coin laundry in Como, Mississippi
 I was worried about this roll, because when I opened the back to take the film out, the roll was “fat.” Meaning it wasn’t tightly wound onto its take-up spool, and the top and bottom of the film would probably be fogged by light. When that happens, I try to get the film into a light-tight place until I can get home, where I can go into completely dark room (usually the closet) and re-roll the film more tightly onto the spool. I don’t know if this “fat roll” of Tri-X wasn’t problematic because I had unloaded the film in light that was subdued, or if you just can’t tell it’s fogged because it’s black and white film, but I was so happy when I got my scans back and the shots weren’t ruined!