Monthly Archives: July 2010

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Old and New

The 1954 Pontiac that was our family car during our childhood.

Our little girl.

AM was having a very ornery afternoon, not wanting to have her photo made.

But each of these photos is the last frame from their respective rolls. And they embody what I meant to accomplish with photos that afternoon.

(Canon Rebel 2000. Lomo LC-A)

And without further ado…

Shoot With Personality will now resume it’s normally scheduled programming.

That is to say, I got to do a bit of live band photography recently when  I saw David Bazan and mewithoutYou play a gig together at the Hi-Tone on June 21.

I’d like to remind you of something.

I saw mewithoutYou in August of last year and thought “Oh, I can die happy now.”

Then I saw Dave Bazan in October and thought, “But REALLY I can die happy now.”

And, having said that, I’m not the type that gets all hot and bothered about musicians and thinks “OMG I gotta get near this person!” It just  happens that there are a couple of folks out there making music right now that means something to me. The aforementioned musicians are highest on that list. When I found out that mewithoutYou was playing in Memphis again and – wait for it – David Bazan would also be back because they’re touring together…let’s just say I became a very happy girl!

Seeing bands play during the summer in Memphis is not always the most pleasant experience – all those people, all that lack of air conditioning in most venues. The night of June 21 at the Hi-Tone was no exception. I’d like to sit here and say “oh, that didn’t matter. It was just all part of the experience.” But, yeah, it mattered that we were all dripping with sweat! It just didn’t matter enough that I don’t consider that night to be one of the top three of 2010 so far.

And here is the album where the rest of the photos from that show reside!

OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!


And not a moment too soon!

I have not been able to access my blog in a couple of months. It’s been a very frustrating journey that seemed to bring road block after road block. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong, Gabe made some suggestions, those worked,  we got SO CLOSE, but no cigar! It was maddening.

But Shoot With Personality’s back, baby! There’s a wedding to talk about (not mine, guys, calm down!) and so much more.

YAAAAAAAAAY! x 1 million