Yashica D TLR • Kodak Ektar Film
My niece really likes it when we spray her hair with wash-out hair coloring. She’s not allowed to do so when school is in session though. I don’t know what the actual dress code at her school says, but I’m going to take a guess that it’s something like: “Brightly colored streaks in your hair are frowned upon in this establishment!”
Because of her school’s dress code, we try to make sure we color her hair as much as possible when she’s got a break from school. I gave AM some cans of hair color this Spring and promised we’d start using them as soon school dismissed for summer. I went to Mississippi so she and I could spend her first day of Summer Break together, and it happened to coincide with a little picnic her art teacher was having for AM and the other people in her private art class. AM was extra keen to have some bright color in her hair for this picnic. You know, like an artistic touch to her hairstyle in honor of her art class picnic. I just took her “little braid” and sprayed it neon green. We were pretty happy with the results. At the class picnic, the art teacher grinned nervously and said “That’s really unusual…“
And we don’t mind that reaction at all, because AM not expressing her own sense of style is frowned upon in this establishment…