Category Archives: Shop Talk

Shot of the Day, Part Deux????

Don’t think this is going to be a trend, but I actually have a “Shot of the day” for a second day in a row!*

I am super obsessed with dew droplets on plants right now. This was taken outside my job, on my way in for the morning. It also looks good Viewed On Black. Look at that bokeh! Look at that shallow depth of field! Look at all the photographic terms you are learning by reading my blog!

*I took this before 8 a.m. this morning. It might be jumping the gun a bit to call a “shot of the day” this early on, but it is a risk I am willing to take.

Happy Bokeh Wednesday (or a reasonable facsimile)

There is a Flickr group called Bokeh Wednesday. I am not a member of this group, and from the looks of it, I COULDN’T be (as they are currently not accepting new members.) However, it IS Wednesday. And I DO have some shots that show off bokeh* because I just got a lens with a large maximum aperture (a 50mm/2, for those of you who care about such details) for my digital camera (I have a Pentax K20d). And you know what that means? I am turning this into a bokeh Wendesday blog post. Hurray! It’s my way of sticking it to the man for not letting me join the official flickr group (just joking. I understand the overabundance of people who are excitedly posting photos with lovely bokeh on Wednesdays. I will happily join your merry band if membership is ever opened up again!)

Eaten Away


(More) Ginkgo

Your typical “out of focus lights in the background” bokeh shot

Just a picture of Adam Hite’s arm and kung poa shrimp? Yes. But I liked the bokeh.

Happy Bokeh Wednesday, people!

*Bokeh is the out-of-focus area(s) of photos. Different lenses render the out-of-focus areas in different ways, so some have bokeh that is pleasing to the eye and some don’t. Whether or not one finds a lens’ bokeh pleasing is entirely subjective, as are most matters pertaining to photography.

I am bad at blogging (and a primer in Amanda-style band photography)

Look how bad at keeping this photographic blog I have been! Working 40 hours a week in a photography job that doesn’t yield photos I can post here has NOT be conducive to being a good blogger. I have some ideas on keeping this thing funky fresh though. Keep your eyes peeled.

The only thing I have to offer you right now is a gallery of photos I took at a show this past week. It was the Weiss Family (mewithoutYou-ish) at The Hi-Tone here in Memphis. The Psalters and Damien Jurado also played this gig, but, I was unfortunately tied up photographing rising high school seniors, and missed everyone but the Weiss Family. Seeing this band play and getting that sense of community that often accompanies mewithoutYou shows infused enough joy and happiness into my soul to keep me smiling for days.

The Weiss Family (mewithoutYou). August 20, 2009 @ The Hi-Tone. Memphis, TN.

I haven’t really talked about my band photography on this blog as of yet. I have been doing it for 9 years (wowzers) but have shifted my focus to other photographic ventures as of late. If you see me out taking photos at a show these days, it is an indication that bands or people there mean something to me. You better BELIEVE that is why I photographed this Weiss Family show.
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