{No Time Like The Present} Yashica T4, 2019/20

These photos were taken at the end of 2019/beginning of 2020, during the last few months of being able to go places and do things before the pandemic. Unlike most of my other “No Time Like the Present,” I actually had a pretty good idea about what was on this roll before getting if developed since it wasn’t from three years earlier 😂

Seeing if photos taken with my window rolled down would come out on such a gloomy day in downtown Memphis

Free HISPD INTERNET in Sardis, Mississippi


Using a premium compact 35mm camera in a gritty little gas station in Mississippi

Fashion, sweetie, are leggings covered in Corgis

Rainy day coffee run

Bourbon mocha and Instax square, at Vice & Virtue Coffee in Memphis

Yashica T4 • Kodak Gold 200


{No Time Like the Present} Pentax Espio Mini, 2019


A small blog of photos taken with a small camera…

Pentax Espio Mini • Fujicolor 200


{No Time Like the Present} Canon Sure Shot Sleek, 2019

I don’t really have a detailed explanation of this “No Time Like the Present” post, of photos taken in 2019 on my Canon Sure Shot Sleek. It’s just a random assortment of pictures from that year!

Ledger, performing at Winter Jam 2019

Just more pictures of vines on a tractor

Green bean tofu from Pho Bihn 😍

Shots from the Memphis Zoo (including the awesome LEGO sculptures they had on exhibit at the time!)

Dinner at Huey’s (local burger chain)

*insert wolf howling here*


Finished up the roll at the garden department of Lowe’s 😂

Canon Sure Shot Sleek • Fuji Superia 400 film

{No Time Like the Present} Pentax Espio Mini, 2018

I was so jazzed when I got these Pentax Espio Mini/UC-1 photos back this spring. I definitely didn’t remember what I’d taken on this roll of film (a recurring theme with these “No Time Like the Present” posts 😂 ) The Pentax is probably my favorite little point and shoot, and this was definitely a reminder to shoot with it more often!

A little outing to the town of Sardis, Mississippi

I don’t like Pepsi, but I did like this Pepsi vintage truck that was at my job one day

Dilly <3

Area 51 ice cream in Hernando, Mississippi 

My favorite pastime: rolling up the change from my bluebird of happiness coin bank

Balloons DOWN

Pentax Epsio Mini • Fujicolor 200 film