Tag Archives: Fujica St605n

{Birthday Week 2016} Revisited

These are some photos that I initially didn’t think would make a good blog post, maybe because they’re even more “personal” than my usual posts. I did post a few on Flickr, but after letting them sit since last year, I have now decided to share them.

My sister, my sister-in-law, and I have birthdays that fall within the same seven day period. I  have been trying to be intentional about shooting film during specific times such as our birthday week, so I loaded my Fujica ST605N and kept it with me throughout the week.

Before going to the tattoo shop for my mom, we stopped at Pei Wei and I had a tofu, veggies, and rice bowl at Pei Wei

Tattoo #3 for mom

Little notebook I bought to use in England the next month 

A mug my sister got me for my birthday

Union Jack sneakers my sister also got me for my birthday

On my sister-in-law’s birthday, my mom took my brother this hat and made me photograph him in it (like he was a mountain man 🙂 )

My mom and sister-in-law on her birthday (my sister-in-law’s, that is!)

Flower my sister-in-law gave me on her birthday


Using the vintage Pyrex bowl my sister gave me to store icing tips

Mom’s new tattoo, about a week into its healing process

Birthday pressies from New York

The many Instax photos I took during birthday week

The most of the Instax mini photos that week went onto my daily photo project blog, but I’ll share them here too:

The Fujica which shot the other photos in this post

First time at Bass Pro in the Pyramid in Memphis

Another photo from mom’s tattoo session

My actual birthday: lunch at Pyro’s Pizza

Birthday selfie, taken the evening of my birthday

A beautiful vintage Pyrex bowl my sister gave me that week <3

The mini vegan chocolate cake I made my sister-in-law for her birthday
(click here to see a better photo of it, as well as a photo of her eating it 🙂 )

We ate at our favorite Mexican restaurant for my sister’s birthday. There was still a Christmas wreath over the door, even though it was August!

Oh and fe bonus photos taken with a different camera, my Ricoh FF-1 😀 :

More from my first time at Bass Pro in the Pyramid

Huddle House with mom, in Batesville, Mississippi


Photos taken with a Fujica ST605N and Agfa Vista 200, Fuji Instax Mini 90 and Fuji Instax Mini film, and Ricoh FF-1 and expired Fuji Superia 400 


In rekindling my love for m42 lenses this year, I decided that I wanted another 28mm lens to round out my Fujica ST605N kit. The beauty of m42 mount cameras is that there are LOADS of lenses available for them from many different manufacturers. Lots of research and an airmail parcel from England later, I found myself the proud owner of a RMC Tokina 28mm 2.8 lens.

While it’s certainly not ideal for testing a lens’s performance, I happened to load Rollei Crossbird 200 in the Fujica for my first roll with the Tokina. And, my, the resulting cross-processed photos were colorful!

Beach theme for the auto auction’s anniversary sale this year

Mustang Cobra with flame paint job



More beach themed decor

Vespa (it’s actually grey)

Car dealership waiting area

Chevy Deluxe coup

’69 Chevelle Malibu (also seen here)

Family dinner at Avellino’s

Snapping some wide angle shots around Coldwater, Mississippi

Fujica ST605N • RMC Tokina TL 28mm/2.8 • Rollei Crossbird 200

{Fuji ST605N} Roll Three Love

I already posted my “Two Rolls In” blog about the Fujica ST605N, but I am pretty excited about Roll Three as well. Though I am in love with the roll of Ilford HP5+ I shot as Roll Two now, I’d struggled to get through that roll because everything was so colorful in the spring (if I’m honest!) I finished the black and white roll on a bright day in Batesville, Mississippi, and I immediately loaded some Lomography CN 100 in the camera to finish out my photos walk in Batesville. I totally feel like I did the right thing, ya’ll.

Caught in the act, Roll Three in progress (taken with my Olympus Stylus Epic)

Lots of cool light fixtures outside the storefronts around the Batesville town square

I am so clever. A double reflected-surface portrait: a portrait of me, a portrait of my mom.

This next bit, I admit that I was totally enamored with my Vans, which had arrived that day, and kept including them in photos…

A double Vans portrait – the actual shoes and the shoes reflected in the window glass.

All the stained glass and red walls oooooooh

Disued gas station. So Americana, amiright?

The next photos were taken in Midtown Memphis, when I was there to shoot Jessica and Dustin’s wedding that weekend (also the location of the photo of the Fujica featured at the top of this post.)

Otherlands’ deck

Tattooed mom

I don’t think the color of the house is an noticeable in the photo as it was in real life, but I HAD to photograph this turquoise vintage Bronco in front of this pink house near Overton Square in Midtown Memphis! 

Normally, the above photos would have been posted in two separate sets: one for the Batesville photos and another for the Midtown Memphs photos. The photos below don’t really fall into any particular “series.” I’m throwing all these into one posting because I’m still all about the “Look at what I’m doing with my Fujica, ya’ll!”

I’ve photographed several Harleys at work, and this might be my fave

I couldn’t help it. All the colors were perfect, and I knew this film would nail them.

My Instax Mini 90 and some shots I made with it at work that day.

Dilly, day one

A last-minute baking commission at work

Fujica ST605N Lomography CN 100 film
All the Batesville photos were taken with a Sears 28mm/2.8 lens
The rest were taken with a Fujinon 55m/1.8 lens

Fujica ST605N {Two Rolls In}

This could be subtitled “I got my mirror self-portrait mojo back”

As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I am trying to get back into shooting m42 cameras/lenses. In the aforementioned blog about my Praktica MTL 5, I told of a “jumpy” meter needle that didn’t make me feel very secure about its readings and said I’d actually bought another m42 body after shooting that roll with the MTL 5. The second m42 body I bought was a Fujica ST605N.

Just as with the MTL 5, there isn’t much to say about the features on the ST605N. They’re both pretty basic cameras. The film speed selector goes from to 25-3200 ASA. Shutter speeds are 1/700s – 1/2s, plus bulb. However on my Fujica, the slowest two speeds, 1/4s and 1/2s are inaccurate. This is no big deal, as I very rarely use those shutter speeds anyway. One of the Fujica’s selling points for me was the fact that it takes batteries that are much easier to find than what the Praktica takes. Battery availability is one of the main reasons I bought this camera.

Shutter speed dial on top, with shutter speeds from 1/700s – 1/2s, plus B. Film speed selection is within the shutter speed dial.

It’s not lightweight, but I do like how much more compact the Fujica is compared to the Praktica.

This is kind of a strange thing to like, but I really like the little button that activates the meter/stops the lens down! Most other cameras of this ilk have a lever (as the MTL 5 does) that you press to turn the meter on. I like both the way the round button on the Fujica looks and the way it feels. It’s pleasant, I guess.

Little round meter activation button

Another thing I like is that the Fujica has a shutter speed indicator in the viewfinder. I don’t believe I’ve ever had an m42 body that’s had that feature, but it’s pretty handy and reminds me a bit of my beloved Nikon FE’s viewfinder.

Now, to the photos. As I always say, camera bodies are just vehicles for lenses and lenses are the thing that determine image quality. But inaccurate shutter speeds or a faulty meter can ruin photos taken with even the best lens. So when I am testing a “new” camera body, I’m really testing the shutter speeds and the meter (where applicable.) The Fujica’s meter seems just fine! I was shooting some of my expired Kodak High Definition 400, so I dialed in a film speed that was a little slower than 400 to help compensate for potential stop loss of the expired film.

Roll #1 was Kodak High Definition 400, expired in 2011

Chevy Camaro, Hennessy edition in the auction bay at work. I heard a really interesting story while I was taking these photos that maybe I’ll tell you one of these days. 

Me in the beauty shop the day Rachel gave me “fancy hair”

“The new Sunday dinner” – we stop and get Popeye’s, and I get a biscuit and an ear of corn. I use agave nectar instead of the “honey sauce” (it’s not honey) that Popeye’s gives you for the biscuits. 

Hope you aren’t tired of Wyatt’s photos yet!

Sunday dress


There were already way too many photos of my new favorite book on my Instagram feed, but here’s another one!

Afternoon coffee and readin’ The Scarlet Letter

Roll #2 was Ilford HP5 Plus (and outshines the color roll IMHO)

Chevelle at work

Coffee out on my aunt’s deck in Texas

Some shots using a macro extension tube on the Fujinon lens

Some sweet little champagne coupes I got at Goodwill recently

Sundress days

Memorial Day at Huddle House


“The day my Vans arrived”

Vans mirror self-portrait


Eureka theatre, Batesville, MS (color images taken that same day in Batesville, coming soon)

Photos taken with Fujica ST605N, mostly with a Fujinon 55mm/1.8 lens, though a few were with a Sears 28mm/2.8 lens


I really like this Fujica! I have had so many different m42 cameras over the years, and this is definitely one of my favorites. And I’m still likin’ my Fujinon 55mm/1.8. I wish I’d not gone through the frustration and cost of having a Praktica with a weird meter before getting the ST605N, but “God bless the broken road that led me straight to you” 😉