Baby Photography: {Surprise!} Silas Edition

Today’s edition of Babyyyyyy Photography: It’s Silas  again – aged almost 12 months!

Location: Cooper-Young, Memphis

I was not able to blog these photos before Christmas  because they were, in fact, taken as a surprise for Silas’ mommy and daddy [who was on leave from Iraq for Christmas!] I met up with Silas’ Nana for lunch and a little “Silas’ First Christmas” shoot. It was a ton of fun!  Silas was being a real pistol that day, so much so that a woman at a nearby table even came over to tell us how much she was enjoying watching us play with the baby.

By the way, I have it on good authority that the photos Silas gave his mommy and daddy were a BIG hit on Christmas. I was so happy I was able to help make that happen!

3 Thoughts on “Baby Photography: {Surprise!} Silas Edition

  1. Julie Nelson on January 14, 2011 at 6:35 pm said:

    Just beautiful! Thanks Amanda!

  2. Julie Nelson on August 16, 2011 at 10:20 am said:

    I love going back and looking at these! You did such a great job at capturing his personality!

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