This could be described more accurately as “discarded roll” rather than “forgotten frames.”
As I recounted in my last post about the Diana, I bought a Diana F+ and sold it after using it a handful of times. I took a few rolls with the camera while I was England, didn’t care for the results, took one more roll, and sold the camera without having that final roll developed. I kept putting it off because I didn’t care to spend good money developing film from a camera I didn’t particularly enjoy. But when I had a couple of other Diana rolls to send the photo lab a few weeks ago, I decided I’d go ahead and chuck this roll in the envelope as well.
These photos were taken in January 2013. When I do these Forgotten Frames posts, I usually say whether or not I remembered what might have been on the film before I got it developed. This is one time when I did somewhat remember what I’d shot on the roll. I just remembered that I had gone to my favorite nearby photo excursion site, Como, Mississippi, which is about 14 miles from my house. Just a short jaunt to get out of my town and into another.
My friend Mallory’s house, back when she had a violist for a roommate
The rest of the photos were, indeed, taken in Como.
The one photo which I remembered would be on the roll when I got the film developed

Como, Mississippi
(I actually duplicated some of these shots when I was testing my second Diana camera)
I think this was probably a pinhole shot, judging by the close distance of the Diana to the subject
Diana F+ Novella • Fuji 160NS
While there’s nothing particularly impressive about these photos, this roll just confirmed what I stated in my aforementioned Diana post: If I thought I wanted to used a Diana from time to time, I shouldn’t have sold the F+ Novella . I didn’t tape the camera up at all for this roll, but you can see that there weren’t really any issues with light leaks. Oh well!